Independence Day program organized by National Shoora Council

National Shoora Council has organized a special program on the occasion of 76th Independence Day.
  • Theme: Contribution of Muslims’ to the Independence of Ceylon.
  • Location: JR Jayawardena Centre, Colombo 07.
  • Date: 07.02.2024 (Wednesday).
  • Time: 4 pm.
  • Presided by:- Advocate T.K. Azoor (President, National Shoora Council)
  • Speakers:
🎤 Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero, Director of the Walpola Rahula Institute.
🎤 Hon. M. M. Zuhair, President’s Counsel and former Ambassador.
🎤 Ash Sheikh S. H. M. Faleel, Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Jamiah Naleemiah Beruwala
76th int

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