Absence of Venerable Bellanwila Wimalaratna Nayake Thero will be felt badly at this critical juncture of our country’s history

Wimalaratna Nayake Thero

Absence of Venerable Bellanwila Wimalaratna Nayake Thero will be felt badly at this critical juncture of our country’s history.

National Shoora Council

The sudden demise of the Venerable Bellanwila Wimalaratna Nayake Thero has left a deep void in the Buddhist leadership of this country and has saddened the other communities in an immeasurable manner. His absence will be felt badly at this critical juncture of our country’s history when we have embarked on a national path of reconciliation after nearly thirty years of a debilitating civil war.

Professor Venerable Bellanwila Wimalaratna Nayake Thero was a religious scholar who was greatly respected by the country at large. He was an outspoken religious leader who never hesitated to speak out on issues facing the Buddhist community as well as the country at large. At the time of his demise he was the Chancellor of the Sri Jayewardenepura University which position he had held for several years.

He was actively involved in several interfaith initiatives including the Congress of Religions where his leadership and counsel was greatly valued. At the time of his passing away the Venerable Bellanwila Nayake Thero was deeply engrossed in studying the different religions in the country. His intention was to encompass his work in a book where his insights would have greatly contributed to forging strong ties between the different communities in Sri Lanka.

The National Shoora Council wishes to extend its deepest condolences to the members of the Maha Sangha as well as the Buddhist community at the passing away of one of Sri Lanka’s most renowned religious leaders and Buddhist scholars who will be greatly missed by all of us.

Tariq Mahmud


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