ஜனாதிபதி வேட்பாளருக்கான தேசிய ஷூரா சபையின் பரிந்துரைகள்


ஜனாதிபதியாக தெரிவு செய்யப்பட இருப்பவர் தனது ஆட்சிக்காலத்தில் கவனத்திற் கொள்ள வேண்டிய முக்கியமான அம்சங்கள் தொடர்பாக தேசிய ஷூரா சபை தயாரித்துள்ள பரிந்துரைகள்.

இந்ந ஆவணம் முஸ்லிம் சமூகத்தைச் சேர்ந்த அரசியல் துறையில் நிபுணத்துவ அறிவு கொண்ட பலரது ஆலோசனைகளைப் பெற்ற நிலையில் தேசிய ஷூரா சபையின் அரசியல் துறைக்கான உபகுழுவினரால் தயாரிக்கப்பட்டதாகும்.


01. Strengthening the Rule of Law

A blueprint for effective and systematic re-establishment of rule of law in all departments of life in the country is the priority. Show mechanism how restoration will be implemented.

(a) Do away with the culture of impunity

(b) Deal effectively with hate speech using the existing laws

2. Dealing with the Economic Crisis

(a) Debt Trap

(b)Gradual devaluation of the Rupee

(c) Sluggish economic growth.

(d)Modernize the Agricultural sector, fishing, dairy industry and cattle breeding in order to reach self-sufficiency as well as export markets.

(e) Stop sending Housemaids abroad, rather find ways to empower them locally.

(f) Ensure sending of skilled labour force abroad.

(g)Focus on renewable energy.

3. Preservation of the Environment.

(a) Dealing with the human-elephant conflict.

(b)Protecting all fauna & flora that are threatened.

(c) Designate ‘greenfields’ which are not to be built up for development activities and ‘brownfields’ which are already polluted and used for development activities currently be used for high density concentrated development

(d)Grappling with Global Warming and all challenges arising out of it, such as climate change etc. And curtailing all unsustainable development practices that contribute to climate change.

(e) The vexed problem of Solid Waste Management and Regional Garbage Disposal.

(f) Increase sustainable and renewable energy use and depart from fossil fuel use.

(g) Increase afforestation by protecting ‘greenfields’

(h)Stop illegal Gem prospecting & Sand mining.

4.Land problems of the different communities.

(a) Land problems of the Muslims in the Eastern & Northern Provinces must be solved in a manner different to that of similarly placed Muslims in other provinces.

5. Preservation and Development of the Culture of the different ethnic communities.

(a) The allocation of resources for these purposes must be done in an equitable manner.

6. Making Meritocracy the main criterion for all appointments and putting an end to Bribery, Corruption& Nepotism.

(a) The functions of the Constitutional Council and Independent Commissions must be made more independent and efficient by increasing civil society representation and reducing political representation in it.

(b) People’s representatives must have minimum educational qualifications and be of untainted character.

(c) Make Merit the main criterion for filling posts of heads of State Corporations, Statutory Boards and Embassies and stop the practice of filling these with cronies.

(d) Give equal opportunities to all citizens to develop in the fields of education, business, employment etc. and put an end to all forms of discrimination.

7. Reparations to those affected by violence.

(a) All those affected by violence of whatever form, natural disasters, man-made disasters and government inaction must be duly compensated in a just and equitable manner irrespective of race, religion or station in life.

8. Containing the influence and interference of Foreign Powers.

(a) Minimizing the adverse effects caused by the implementation of International Agreements signed so far and being extremely vigilant and circumspect when entering into new Agreements.

(b)To safeguard and protect the sovereignty of the nation in the face of arm-twisting tactics adopted by the Foreign Powers.

(c) Ensure protection to national security and national integrity are maintained strictly whilst soliciting support from friendly nations in the fight against drugs, narcotics and terrorism from being abused for geopolitical gains.

9. Revamping of the entire Education Sector.

(a) A school for Muslim boys in Kandy and Colombo South is a long-felt need.

(b) Teaching of Sinhala Language in all Muslim Schools to be developed.

10. Revamping the Health Sector.

11. Increasing the efficiency and productivity of the Public Service.

12. Increase the Internet capacity to help efficient e-governance and e-commerce as a strategy to increase efficiency and transparency.

13. Improving the Law & Order situation to ensure the smooth functioning of the day to day activities of all citizens.

(a) Stop Wildcat and politically motivated Strikes.

(b)Prevent ‘Shadow Powers’ from destabilizing the nation.

(c) Restore public confidence in the Police and other arms of the law, such as the Excise Service, Customs etc. Political interference in all these activities must be stopped. Enhance Community policing by recruiting police officers from the locality.

14. Accountability of Candidates and Political Parties contesting this election.

(a) A Parliamentary Oversight Committee must be established to monitor and oversee the progress made on election promises.

(b) Enact legislation to prevent cross-over in Local GovernmentBodies, Provincial Councils and Parliament.

(c) Enact legislation to enable elected representatives to be recalled on being proved corrupt and /or inefficient.

15. Ensure early Resettlement of Displaced Persons in the North.

  1. Settlement of long pending issues related to land declared as forest reservations by gazette notifications and land encroached by unauthorized persons.
  2. Provide infrastructure facilities to them.
  3. Lands of Muslims forcibly taken by the LTTE which were subsequently liberated by the government to be returned to rightful Muslim owners.
  4. Establish a President Task Force to complete North and East resettlement within a time-frame of two (2) years.This will also provide the necessary infrastructure and pay compensation to the affected.

16. Amend the Local Authorities Election Law to:

  1. Change the system of electing members.
  2. Reduce the number of members in the respective bodies.
  3. Amend or replace the Provincial Council Law to:
  4. Enable the Provincial Council Elections to be held expeditiously.
  5. Devise a just and equitable system of delimitation whereby the representation of minorities in these councils will not be reduced.


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